Shannon Claussen

I've got some words to share, if you care to read 'em



Thanks for visiting my blog. It is always an honor and privilege to have folks check out my work. My name is Shannon and I love theology, nature, humanity, farming and the use of language/words to express that love and curiosity.

Nature reveals to us both the great beauty and the expansive mystery of life, which I often post about; either through thought or poetic form. Life is gritty and I’m fairly transparent with expressing the struggles, sadness, grief, as well as life’s joys and things worth celebrating. The juxtaposition of life is one of the greatest gifts we have been given and it certainly has my attention.

On a personal side, I am a mother, a wife, a lover of people and God’s good creation. I see beauty, goodness and the sacredness that is woven into the cosmos as things to honor and respect. I am a ponderer, reader and writer, but mostly I spend my free time on our hobby farm, working with the land, always in awe at the simple-complexity of living off of what nature provides us. Truly, I am just utterly grateful and try to live each day with gratitude and love as the motivation for each moment I spent on this beauty-laden planet.

Peace, wellness and love to you,
